Friday 11 May 2018

A Recipe For Disaster.

  • 5 cups of agresion A Recipe for Disaster.
  • 2 tsp of obesity
  • 2 tbsp of clumsiness
  • A sprinkle of humiliation
  • Mix 1 cup of arrogance and 1 cup of craziness
  • 9 deformed heads of uncertainty
  • A leg full of diabetes
  • 3 cups of hatred
  • A bowl full of rabies
  • 40 ml of crooked teeth
  • Smash procrastination into little bits.
  • Spray ebola

Pour the rabies in a bowl. Chuck crooked teeth in. Mix them well. Sprinkle the diabetes in. Get a pot. Pour the mixture in. Add 3 cups of hatred. Put on the stove. Smash procrastination into little bits. Drop it in the pot.  Add 5 cups of agresion. Mash it with a wooden spoon. Plop in 9 deformed heads of uncertainty. Mix 1 cup of arrogance with 1 cup of craziness. Add 1 cup of eternal loneliness. Pour 2 tsp of obesity. Get humiliation and put it in the pot. Turn off the stove and get a tray grease the tray with ebola. Pour the mixture in. Wait for 30 minutes. Put it in the fridge. Take it out of the fridge. And enjoy.

Lately we have been making recipes of disaster. We could choose from a recipe for disaster or a recipe for living


  1. Talofa lava, my name is Kingston from Red Hill School. Thank you for sharing about disasters. Do you know what to do if disaster were to strike? At my house we don't even have a survival kit, scary.

  2. Kia ora Liam, I'm Akram from Red Hill School. Thank you for sharing your blog. A leg full of diabetes is an interesting disaster. You really know how to make a disaster. It would be really hard for you to get all those ingredients if you were to really make it.


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