Timmy Failure.
Sanitised for your protection.
This is about a boy named Timmy Failure.
He has his own detective company and he has a pet polar bear.
Timmy goes of on many adventures like last time when he went on a camp trying to find the miracle report. This time Timmy goes off on a trip to chicago. when he got there he heard his mother talking to her boyfriend Dorman Dave. They said that Timmy was going to move in with them and they were going to get married. So one day Timmy ran off with Molly Moskins a person who is a criminal and smells like tangerine. So once they ran off they tried to disguise themselves a olden day people.
There was a case that Timmy was doing it was money for a kid who had no books.
After all Timmy got caught by police and when he got back to school the money for the books wasn't stolen it was just a maths mistake. In the end Timmy made up with his mum.

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