Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
This is a book called Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Charlie and the chocolate factory was made into a movie in 1971, adapted by the original book wrote by Roald Dahl in 1964. I've read the book and watched the movie, I prefer the movie but make sure you read the book as well as the movie.
It starts off with a boy named Charlie. He lives in a small house with his father whose job is screwing toothpaste lids on, his mother and his Grandparents. Their family is very poor but they are happy. Charlie's favourite thing is to walk past the lolly store and chocolate factory and smell the chocolate and look at the lollies. Because his family is poor Charlie only ever gets these things on special occasions.
So anyway Willie Wonka - the owner of the factory is having a competition. Five lucky children and their one of their parents will get a chance to look inside his famous chocolate factory, never before seen. But only if they get a golden ticket hidden inside of certain Wonka bars.
It is Charlie's birthday so his family all puts in together to buy Charlie a Wonka bar and a chance to get in the factory. Will he get a Golden Ticket? Who will get the Golden Tickets? Read the book and find out because I'm not going to spoil it for you.