Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Greymouth Star.

Greymouth Star
This is the Greymouth Star. It is our local newspaper.
NZ's Largest dozer on the move.
One of the world's biggest bulldozer is going to the roa mine.
It was to big to go over the bridges so it had to go through five rivers on the way. It weighs a crushing 109 tounes. It has 740 horsepower and is 4.6 meters high and 11 meters long. It came from the Echo Mine near Reefton. With it's blade on It weighs 115 tounes.

 I think It is cool because it is on the west coast and it is one of the worlds biggest bulldozers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Liam, I agree it is very cool that the world's biggest bulldozer is not only in New Zealand but right here in our home the West Coast! Could be a class trip to check it out?


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